
Copper rice machine is essential for the recycling and utilization of copper scrap

Pubdate: 2021-06-10

Copper is an important material in industrial production, but copper resources in the world are limited. Therefore, it is very important for the recycling of scrap copper. The environmentally friendly copper rice machine is an important tool to solve the recycling of waste copper in modern production. It is a machine used to crush waste copper wires to separate copper and plastics. The environmental protection copper rice machine is a new type of copper wire crushing and grinding device with many advantages of high efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection. This year, with the popularity of the copper wire raw material market, it has driven the rapid development of the entire copper-plastic separation equipment industry.

The recovery of waste cables makes our current cable application easier. The cost of cables is very expensive, but when we can¡¯t use them, what should we do? Originally, we were able to recover waste cables, which can reduce a lot of economic investment, and from another point of view, when we use cables, if the request is not very high, then we can completely choose some recovered ones. The cable that meets the requirements is used, and the recovery of the waste cable has a greater meaning.

Improper disposal or improper recovery of used cables will release toxic and hazardous substances and harm the environment and human health. The burning treatment of waste cables will generate hydrogen chloride gas and smoke, which will have adverse effects on the human body and the environment; waste cable landfill treatment, the outer skin is often aged and decomposed every year, during which heavy metal elements such as lead, cadmium, and chromium will dissolve backwards Relocation contaminates soil and water. The recovery of waste cables has a significant meaning, which not only reduces costs and satisfies the needs of other occasions, but also has a very good environmental protection effect. Therefore, the environmental protection copper rice machine is very important for the recycling and utilization of copper scrap.